St Bartholomew's Church


This is a really easy way of raising funds for St Batholomew’s. I costs you absolutely nothing. The first time you visit EasyFandraising: 1. Go to 2. Create an account 3. Select the charity (St. Bartholomew’s Church - Sproxton) 4. Find your retailer by clicking in the big box 5. Click on the retailer’s name and you are taken directly to the normal web site for the retailer. 6. Shop and check out and the funds will be added to the charity account. On subsequent visits either: A. If your name and charity appears then follow steps 4, 5 and 6 above. or... B. Sign in first (Top right hand corner) then follow steps 4, 5 and 6. To make it even easier there is the “Find and Remind” facility which is on the “Raise More” link . If you install “Find and Remind”, when you go to a retailer which gives to EasyFundRaising a bar appears on the top of the screen which tells you that they give in this way and may automatically tell the site that you wish to donate. The bar will tell you if it doesn’t do everything automatically. It really is money for nothing!